The AWS CLF-C02 Cloud Practitioner exam is the perfect starting point for anyone looking to kickstart their career in cloud computing with Amazon Web Services. This foundational exam doesn’t require an extensive technical background, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals. At the end of this post you can find some exam sample questions to test your knowledge.

1. Understand the Cloud Practicioner Exam Blueprint

AWS provides a detailed exam guide for the Cloud Practitioner certification, outlining the topics and domains you need to be familiar with. This blueprint is your roadmap to success. Spend time reviewing it thoroughly and prioritize your study efforts based on the weightage of each domain. This way, you can allocate more time to areas that carry more significance in the exam.

You can find the updated official topics here.

2. Explore AWS Documentation for the CLF-C02

AWS offers extensive documentation on its services and concepts. It’s an invaluable resource for exam preparation. The exam questions are designed to test your practical knowledge of AWS services, so understanding how they work in real-world scenarios is crucial. Explore the official AWS documentation for services like EC2, S3, RDS, and IAM to gain a deep understanding of their capabilities and use cases.

3. Use Free AWS Training Resources

Check all the free official resources by clicking here

AWS provides free training resources through its website, including videos, whitepapers, and practice exams. Take advantage of these materials to enhance your knowledge and build confidence. The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Essentials course is an excellent starting point for your preparation.

4. Leverage CLF-C02 Practice Exams

Practice exams are an essential part of your preparation. They help you get accustomed to the exam format, understand the types of questions you might encounter, and evaluate your readiness. AWS offers a sample practice exam for the Cloud Practitioner certification, and there are many third-party practice tests available online. Use these to identify weak areas and focus your study efforts accordingly.

Check an official exam training clicking by clicking here

5. Hands-On Experience

While the Cloud Practitioner exam doesn’t require extensive hands-on experience, it’s still beneficial to create an AWS Free Tier account and practice basic tasks. You can launch an EC2 instance, create an S3 bucket, and configure IAM roles. Practical experience will reinforce your theoretical knowledge and help you tackle scenario-based questions in the exam.

In case you’re looking for real-case scenarios, you can have a look at how we succesfully trimmed 35% of AWS billing costs by managing EC2’s EBS volumes lifecycle.

6. Time Management in the Exam

During the exam, time management is crucial. You have 90 minutes to answer 65 multiple-choice and multiple-response questions. Allocate a specific amount of time to each question and stick to it. If you encounter a particularly challenging question, mark it for review and move on. Don’t spend too much time on any single question as it might eat into your time for other questions.

7. Read Questions Carefully

AWS exam questions can be tricky, so read them carefully and ensure you understand what is being asked. Pay attention to keywords like “not,” “except,” or “least,” as they can change the meaning of the question significantly. Take your time to choose the best answer based on the given options.

8. Stay Calm and Confident

Exam stress can negatively impact your performance. Remember that you’ve prepared thoroughly, and you have the knowledge required to pass the exam. Take deep breaths, stay focused, and approach each question with confidence.

9. Post-Exam Review

After completing the exam, AWS will provide a score report that includes your performance in each domain. Use this report to identify areas where you might need further improvement. If you don’t pass the exam on your first attempt, don’t be discouraged. Review your weak areas and try again.

In conclusion, the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam is an excellent entry point into the world of cloud computing and AWS. With proper preparation, including understanding the exam blueprint, exploring AWS documentation, leveraging practice exams, and gaining hands-on experience, you can increase your chances of success. Stay calm, read questions carefully, and remember that the knowledge you gain during your preparation will not only help you pass the exam but also set the foundation for your future AWS certifications and career in cloud computing. Good luck!

10. CLF-02 Practicioner exam questions

Here you have some example questions to know what you are going to find in the exam:

1.- A company is planning to run a global marketing application in the AWS Cloud. The application will feature videos that can be viewed by users. The company must ensure that all users can view these videos with low latency.
Which AWS service should the company use to meet this requirement?

  • A. AWS Auto Scaling
  • B. Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
  • C. Elastic Load Balancing
  • D. Amazon CloudFront 

2.- What is the scope of a VPC within the AWS network?

  • A. A VPC can span all Availability Zones globally.
  • B. A VPC must span at least two subnets in each AWS Region.
  • C. A VPC must span at least two edge locations in each AWS Region.
  • D. A VPC can span all Availability Zones within an AWS Region.

3.- According to the AWS shared responsibility model, what responsibility does a customer have when using Amazon RDS to host a database?

  • A. Manage connections to the database
  • B. Install Microsoft SQL Server
  • C. Design encryption-at-rest strategies
  • D. Apply minor database patches

4.- A user needs to determine whether an Amazon EC2 instance’s security groups were modified in the last month.
How can the user see if a change was made?

  • A. Use Amazon EC2 to see if the security group was changed.
  • B. Use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to see which user or role changed the security group.
  • C. Use AWS CloudTrail to see if the security group was changed.
  • D. Use Amazon CloudWatch to see if the security group was changed.

5.- Which AWS service will help protect applications running on AWS from DDoS attacks?

  • A. Amazon GuardDuty
  • B. AWS WAF
  • C. AWS Shield
  • D. Amazon Inspector